City Today
April 2017
A web application that makes Ajax calls to the Google Street View, New York Times, and the MediaWiki APIs to display articles
and images of the city of user's choice.
Technologies/Tools used
- Ajax
- JQuery
- Google Street View API
- NY Times API
- MediaWiki API
Build a Burger
November 2018
A full-stack web application that lets authenticated users customize and order their burgers!
Technologies/Tools used
- React
- Redux
- Firebase
- Jest
- Enzyme
Analysis of HTTP and its Variants
Aug 2016 - Dec 2016
Studied the new HTTP/2.0 protocol and its performance and security parameters and compared them against those of HTTP/1.1
by testing them on several websites and attacking security vulnerabilities on them
Technologies/Tools used
- HTTP/1.1
- HTTP/2.0
- ES6
- Wireshark
Type Up!
May 2018
A fun react app that allows users to enter text that then appears as blocks on the screen. Clicking on the blocks deletes
the characters.
Technologies/Tools used
- React
July 2017
A website for an Indo-Italian restaurant built using Bootstrap. NPM scripts, Grunt, as well as Gulp are used as task runner
for same tasks for demonstration purposes.
Technologies/Tools used
- Bootstrap
- Gulp
- Grunt
- JavaScript
Name Age App
June 2018
Demo app that uses redux to store name and age of people
Technologies/Tools used
- Redux
- React
Interactive Map of the World
October 2015
An Interactive visualization of the world that shows earthquakes that occured around the world in the last 100 years, their
magnitude, impact, type, and location.
Technologies/Tools used
- Java
- Processing Library
Codepen Experiments
2016 - Present
A series of web experiments on domains ranging from web animations to data visualisation on Codepen
Technologies/Tools used
- D3.JS
- MoJS
- ES6
Health Buddy
Nov 2015 - Nov 2016
Android application aimed at tracking nutrient intake and improving health (in particular haemoglobin level) of girls in
the NCR region of New Delhi by providing customized suggestions based on survey results and research
Technologies/Tools used
- Java
- Android SDK
NCAECA Website
November 2015
Website for the National Conference of Advancements in Electrical and Computer Applications using HTML5, CSS3,and Bootstrap
Technologies/Tools used
- JavaScript
Vanilla Private Cloud
Vanilla version of private cloud using Eucalyptus on CentOS environment
Technologies/Tools used
- Eucalyptus
- CentOS
Quantum Key Distribution
February 2016
Authored and presented a paper on Quantum Key Distribution – Applying Principles of Quantum Physics to Ensure Secure Transmission
of Keys in the National Conference on Advancements in Electronics and Computer Applications (NCAECA), New Delhi.
Won award for best paper presentation.